Feline Enrichment Products
DISCLOSURE: The purpose of this page is to help guardians find good enrichment products. Please note that Cat Advocate is an affiliate of Amazon and Chewy. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. This means that if you decide to purchase through any of our affiliate links, I get a small commission, at no extra cost to you.

Electronic Toys
* Love this toy, but I cut off the stringy part of tail for safety
scraTching Posts

scratcher with seat
Tall enough for a good scratch and the seat is a great addition

Cactus 41.3 inch, pictured above on left. Great height for scratching and climbing
Trees & TUNNEL

72 inch Go Pet Club Cat Tree. Tall with multiple options. Love the black version pictured above on the right. I was able to replace the seats directly through the company when they appeared frayed after several years of use for a reasonable price.
Pictured above, Oscar sleeps in this for HOURS each day. Also fun during playtime.

Love that it's tall enough to meet the window providing the cats a view and the top shelf is big enough for two cats as Maya and Luke demonstrate. The solid scratching posts for legs are a huge bonus.
Kicker Toys
Many cats enjoy grabbing a big toy and kicking it with their legs. My client's cat, Lylla, demonstrates how it's done in this video:

From The Field Foot long Kicker
This is THE BEST KICKER toy! It's one of the few toys that my cats continue to smell, lick and attack after many months.

Another great kicker. It's really long and has a bell sound and strings

Expensive compared with others, but we've had this one for 7 years and it works great.
calming bed

Lily loves this bed! I do have to move it to different locations on occasion.

Fun rug that can be converted to a tunnel. Luke loves to hide in it and wait for an opportunity to ambush a toy or buddy
Meet the Feline Experts behind the Recommended Products

Demanding, playful & affectionate

Wild, fun & attentive

Foodie, gentle & loyal

Funny, intelligent & needy

Silly, cautious & sweet